Every Talent is a Bishop

A generational alliance against forced migration in Labour Bishops Sergio Mattarella’s statement

The 25 best students in Italy. Just graduated with the highest grades, and an average ranging from a minimum of 9.7 to full 10. The Labour Bishops, complete with a medal and certificate given by the President of the Republic himself, Sergio Mattarella, through an official ceremony at Quirinale Palace. An insight into Italian excellence and young generations talent. Elegant, smiling, composed. But how many of them will remain in our Country? And how many will choose to use their skills outside Italy? How many will be leaving, because in our Country they simply feel that space is not enough, growth uninsured, job not guaranteed?

These are well-received questions in the speech that the President gives downstream of the delivery. His words call into question the infamous brain drain, and the need to find practical solutions, that is, translate into professional outlets up to the future that the bishops, and not only them, dream of. Because every Italian talent is a bishop, and we are all bishops of a Country deserving to re-appropriate of the value it has always expressed. A high goal, and ambitious, requiring an important and collective effort to become effective future. "No society can well prepare its own future if young people encounter obstacles in their growing path, or if the social structure marginalizes them, not creating opportunities and chances for taking responsibility, putting them, at times, in the face of choices of forced migration to secure a future," says Mattarella.

"An alliance between the generations is needed," he continues, to "grow Italy and confirm it as the wonderful Country we received." A conscious generational pact, therefore, that foreshadowed by the Head of State, which not only transcends the contrasts between seniors and juniors, but also the theme of distribution of public resources, "insidious land that calls into question the same social cohesion." Because in order to "think and realize, together, a better future", the Country System as a community of progress must affirm a principle of trust, and an objective transmission of experience.

Looking at the generational alliance foreshadowed by the President, thought cannot fail to run to a similar coalition, that of the social sphere, which puts at the same table the organizations and the training, supply and demand, in the name of a common principle that is social responsibility, in the first place, and economic secondly. Bringing the Country back to the state of attraction in the circulation networks of knowledge, and thus increasing its weight and GDP. It is the next card we must play, urgently, to go and take a future worthy of that wonderful Country that we received. It is the antidote that can revitalize our value, excellence and reputation of a talented Italy.